Form: submit Running resources

If you have a running related club, business, product or more - we'd love to share your information on our new running resources hub.

Help us collect the best running resources for tassie athletes

Our aim at the Tassie Athlete is about developing content and resources to help uplift the incredible Tasmanian community - and what better way to collate a

  • running club
  • running product
  • relevant running resource (i.e podcast)
  • running event (i.e. fun run)
  • service for runners (i.e. physio)

We'll be using the list of submitted resources on a hub on our website, and it's also a chance for us to promote your club, product, event etc. via our social media channels.

If you've got any questions or feedback, drop us a line at or message us through our contact form.

Pssst. Love a sport other than running? We'll be setting up hubs for cycling, water activities etc. in the future.

Visit the directory

Please provide a name for the resource, i.e. the name of the running club, business name, podcast name.

Please select the relevant category from the list below, otherwise you can select 'other'.

If you selected 'other' from the above list, please provide a relevant category in the description.

Please provide a 1-2 paragraph overview of your resource - for example a description of your run club or event, including event specifics such as a date, time or location.

If applicable, please provide a link to a website - for example, running club website or link to product.

If applicable, please choose a location of your resource.

Please provide relevant social media links.

If you'd like to provide any photos - such as a logo, please email these to with your name and email in the subject.

*denotes required field.
The Tassie Athlete respects your privacy and doesn't share your information with third party providers.

Please note:
  • The Tassie Athlete has full discretion to choose not to display a running resource.
  • If accepted, your resource will be displayed on the Tassie Athlete website.
  • By submitting your resource, you agree that the Tassie Athlete may choose to share it via our social media.
Thanks - your submission has been received and we will notify you once it is approved and live on our new running hub.
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